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Meet Me


In addition to being a passionate writer, drawer, creator and bossy pants as a young child – I always had a fascination with how things worked, why things happened, and how the world turned.

My journey into marketing was somewhat convoluted, but quite honestly I have always been an advertisers dream, annoyingly reciting ads and jingles – the impact of the carefully crafted message was never lost on me!

As an adult, I collected inspiring copywriting and attractive advertising from magazines and newspapers before I even knew what ‘marketing’ was.

One day I stumbled upon this wonderful profession that used creativity, visual design and great copy to inspire action…my love affair began.

Since then I’ve attended many hours of lectures, seminars & professional development sessions read many books and magazines, and always been on the lookout for marketing that uses creativity, visual design and great copy to inspire action.

I was so passionate I studied for my Masters in 2009…it was interesting to contrast the teachings from the many ‘real world’ books and seminars that I had learned from to the structure of a University course, but I learned some new skills and that’s what counts right?  Plus I got a nice certificate to hang on my wall!

Since my business career began by accident over 23 years ago, I have…

  • Spent over 20 years generating ideas to help businesses make an impact
  • Developed a marketing career with various medium-sized businesses
  • Enjoyed helping dozens of small businesses get sorted – online and offline – planning, strategy & tactics
  • Designed many hundreds of flyers and business promotional materials
  • Coached a bunch of people to help them bring creativity into their business and move it forward
  • Read hundreds of books on business, marketing, coaching, creativity, thinking, idea generation, branding, innovation…you get the idea!

In among that I have studied, and watched, and learned, and designed, and lead, and developed, and created, and presented, and attended, and generally had a really fabulously fun time of it all.

I really love marketing and communications and I love to design things, and most of all I love to learn.

I have an almost perfect life – because one thing is for certain – the marketing landscape is so different today to what it was 20(something) years ago and learning & updating my skills is an absolute priority.

As a side gig to my marketing career I also opened a drop-in art centre for kids to visit.  Without the benefit of Facebook and Instagram, getting the word out was very costly back in 2005 and eventually, we closed the doors.

But the best part about it all was the fun I had playing art with the kids, and the art incursions that I continued to run in local Melbourne schools for another 10 years.

As ARTrox art incursions I ran themed, surreal painting classes; super fun collage art classes and I developed a series of positive thinking workshops using art to help the kids create their own positivity poster.

Good times!


And so here we are…present day.






