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Wouldn’t it be wonderful to view the world through the lens of possibility again.  I know that there are many people who teach other people how to do this, and there are also a good many people who are perfectly happy thankyou very much living in their sensible adult world of the known, the possible and the things that just must be.

I’m not sure when I stopped REALLY living in possibility – I still ask lots of questions, and I love that about the way my brain operates – but I think it began with the increasing complexity of raising children and being responsible for things beyond myself and making decisions that have impact far beyond my immediate bubble.

With the duties of life I find I have a tendency to forget to ask better questions, to expect different outcomes and to laugh a little more over the daily drag…maybe if I remembered how to laugh more over the daily drag it wouldn’t seem such a drag!!

So it was with the ‘Oh-no’ lightbulb shining that I thoroughly enjoyed child prodidy Adora Svitak’s TED talk :”What Adults can Learn from Kids”.

My particular takeouts?

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  • I want to have more unhampered, irrational thoughts.
  • I remember having inspiring aspirations & hopeful thinking…I will make an effort to have it again!
  • I will remember to keep believing in the possibilities.
  • “In order to make something a reality, you have to dream it first” I will reconnect with my dreams.
  • Push the boundaries of possibility – regularly.
  • Learning between kids & grownups should be reciprocal…I will remember to be open to learn more from my kids.


Gotta go, I think I need to discuss tonight’s dinner with the kids and see if they’ve got an idea to suggest…goodness knows all mine are boring!
