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Continuing on my learnings from attending the Analogue Digital Conference in Melbourne on 15/16 May – I want to share the notes from the creative boutique session.

Speakers were Zann StPierre who insisted that everybody should know how to code at least a little bit, followed by  the amusing Sonny from We Buy Your Kids (aka W$YK)  their poster design work is fascinating and he talked about the collaborative process between  himself and partner Biddy.  Finally the branding and design insights from Andy at SouthSouthWest.

Many more wonderful nuggets to note – but the common theme:

  • Never stop working to improve and change and learn and grow
  • Understand the basics (HTML, CSS, Design principles, Colour theory…)
  • Focus on content as design
  • Seek diversity
  • Look for the stories – people connect to the brand thru story
  • Think on paper before you go digital

Again a theme of working and learning ALWAYS – good thing it’s always been a personal passion of mine (and hence the reason I attend such awesome and inspiring conferences like this!)

Creative Boutiques 2014