There was an interview with Alec Baldwin in today’s Melbourne AGE Good Weekend.
He has had an interesting path to where he currently is, you only need to google Mr Balwin to see a glimpse into the bizarre headlines he attracts. However I was particularly drawn to the following part of the interview:
[Baldwin] says his goal on Here’s the Thing [his radio podcast] is to get people to talk about the emotional experience behind whatever it is that they do.
“I’m always intrigued by that,” Baldwin says. Then he ads, “I’m kind of obsessed with it. Like, I could ask you that: “Do you like doing this? Why?”
Too many times, we do things that we don’t have an emotional commitment to, ultimately it shows up in our mental health, and sometimes physical health, unless we find emotional commitment elsewhere in our lives.
I’m a a big proponent of positive thinking and ‘just doing it’ as anybody who knows me will attest. I do believe that there is always a way to move yourself towards doing what you love – it does not always have to be THE way you earn your living for life to be fulfilling. You just have to make sure that the way you earn your living is not sucking the life out of you before you get to go home and do the things that make your heart sing.
I have been truly blessed in my career as I have always had flexible employment when I have needed it, time to develop my passions when I have desired it, and now I just need to kick my own butt more often to schedule time to do more of the things I love. To own more fully what I want…to build my own creative life and help others explore the creative opportunities in theirs.
So, Mr Baldwin….I LOVE doing this! I get the opportunity to make creativity and exploring creativity a priority in my life, and I get the opportunity to work with people and to see that little lightbulb above their heads as they realize that this is a way they can find emotional experience in their own creativity – in whatever form that takes!
My heart gets to sing on a daily basis as I explore, create, teach & write…I am emotionally committed to being a fantast* and I’m loving every minute!
* [fan-tast] noun; a visionary or dreamer.
Photo Source: Rotten Tomatoes