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The key to your creativity

So you have heard of DNA right?  The ‘deoxyribonucleic acid” that makes us who we are and gives us our ‘us-ness’. Well I would like to introduce a new term…your CNA – your Creative Natural Aptitude.  The key to your...

Inspired by Alan Fletcher

Whilst in England in Jan 2007 we went to the Design Museum because it seemed one of the coolest places for a creative spark to hang out and just by chance and stumbled upon the most wonderful exhibition with resources that I still hold in my minds eye! Don’t...

Adults learning from Kids?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to view the world through the lens of possibility again.  I know that there are many people who teach other people how to do this, and there are also a good many people who are perfectly happy thankyou very much living in their sensible...