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Never Enough Books

As long as I can remember I had access to books. Story books – Little Golden Books, Ladybird Books, Dr Seuss books – my grandmother tried to convince people that I knew how to read at age 3 due to my ability to recite Dr Seuss’ ‘The Diggingest Dog’ and ‘The Cat in the...

The Creative Tortoise

There was an interesting article in ‘The Age’ on Saturday 11 January by Jane Sullivan.  It was about creativity and the fears expressed by author Sam McNerny that the gung-ho unlock your creativity type of pop culture we are lambasted with almost daily [or...

At least I tried…

When we try new things, sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t.  Not rocket science there eh? But it is how you handle the ‘failure’ that dictates your future.  Will you wallow, will you learn, will you regroup, will you surrender to new, or will...