I promise this is not what is seems, with valentine’s day drawing nearer and all!
I was inspired by a newsletter I received from ‘Seth Goden and the friendly folk at the Domino Project’ – if you are not on the mailing list do yourself a favour and jump on over there post haste…their posts are regularly not only inspirational but motivate thinking and pondering…always a great outcome!
This particular passage caught my attention:
The filmmaker Mira Nair said, “The more specific you get with your story, the more universal it becomes.” So the more you do what you want and what lights your fire, the more people will resonate with it. That you delve so deeply into the story that interests you and you think, “Why would anyone else be interested in this?” but it’s exactly that reason that people will be interested in it.
So often we look around and see the brilliance of other people and judge our offerings as unworthy or uninteresting. I know I do…I’m sure I’m not alone am I?…guys????
Time and again we read motivational quotes of finding our brilliance and letting it shine etc etc and yet still something holds us back. For me it is about that question ‘Why would anybody else be interested in this?’ and I love the answer given above.
For me, it is because it fascinates me, it is who I am, I love new ideas, the joy of creativity and it’s impact not only on society, but our future, our well being, our environment…if my fire sends a spark to other people or resonates in some way then I am a happy camper.
So…bring the smores…we’re lighting fires!