Another wonderful TED talk ~ yes it is one of my MOST favorite resources…do yourself a favor, click here and subscribe to the audio, blog, video…you will be amazed and inspired by some of the content you are exposed to!
This one is from Derek Sivers a creative entrepreneur. He commentates and offers insights over a really funny, yet moving YouTube video of a lone dancer who is joined by a crowd.
When I first saw this video I laughed (lets face it the dancing is ‘unique’) and felt so pleased for the guy who started the dancing…’good for you’ I thought, he was really in his own space enjoying the world. As the video unfolds he is joined by another dancer, a short time later a third guy joins, then 3 more, and soon a big crowd all having a fat old time. It made me feel very happy and goosebumpy to see how one man’s fun had expanded the experience for not only those who chose to join in, but those around watching who chose not to, and now those of us viewing on YouTube.
So to the insightful TED talk on leadership from Derek Sivers below. His take on this? The leader is essentially just a crazy person out there doing his thing, it is the first few followers who make the difference. So if you are a leader, embrace your followers and nurture them.
Fave quote: “…We’re told that we should all be leaders, that would be really ineffective. If you really care about starting a movement, have the courage to follow and show others how to follow. And when you find a lone nut doing something great, have the guts to stand up and join in.”
Gotta go…I’m off to hunt for some lone nuts … or just maybe I will become one??? Vivre la artful revolution!