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OK so I keep moving around the internet leaving a little trail of MEkerting snippets. I have posted about it when I first coined the term by complete mistake, but the more I read and the more I look around the more I feel it is a real movement.

So how is it different to the old adage “Customers are only interested in WII FM” that we traditional marketers all know and love?

Well it has more of a focus on the me – the consumer, the target market – rather than the ‘what’s in it for’ part of the acronym. You see benefits are one thing, but you gotta sell the authenticity, the voice, the movement, the ethos, the invitation to engage and the reason to believe in your brand and be part of your brand.

Yep us brand builders are doing more than just banging out a line in a brightly coloured ad, we are putting out a conversation, we’re acually standing on the street corner with our hand outstretched these days.

So I hope that helps to differentiate marketing and MEkerting, vive la revolution!

The curious behaviour post that started it all…