by Nicky Tillyer | May 2015 | Confident
There is a fabulous book by Tom Rath called StrengthsFinder 2.0. It is accompanied by access to the Strengths web site that allows you to easily do all the work to find your top 5 strengths, and uncover how they play out in your daily life and career. WhenI first took...
by Nicky Tillyer | Apr 2015 | Curious, Inspiration
As long as I can remember I had access to books. Story books – Little Golden Books, Ladybird Books, Dr Seuss books – my grandmother tried to convince people that I knew how to read at age 3 due to my ability to recite Dr Seuss’ ‘The Diggingest Dog’ and ‘The Cat in the...
by Nicky Tillyer | Mar 2015 | Creativity, Curious
For as long as I can remember I have been curious. My parents and grandparents did a fabulous job of facilitating this – I have vivid memories of both my grandfathers spending many afternoons with me sharing their own wisdom, answering my questions, showing me how...
by Nicky Tillyer | Jan 2015 | Brain Science, Curious
Had to quickly pop in and share this one from the American Express Business Room. 9 Ways to Instantly Strengthen Your Brain – there is no point summarising, go read for yourself, it won’t take long. Most of them are like ‘duh’ , but something...
by Nicky Tillyer | Jun 2014 | #ADMel2014, Creativity, Inspiration
I remember attending a seminar about – oh – 20 years ago (yes I confess I am a serial learner…more in the future on that!) I can’t of course remember the exact event but it was about innovation in business. The presenter was telling a story...
by Nicky Tillyer | Jun 2014 | #ADMel2014, Creativity, Inspiration
Continuing on my learnings from attending the Analogue Digital Conference in Melbourne on 15/16 May – I want to share the notes from the creative boutique session. Speakers were Zann StPierre who insisted that everybody should know how to code at least a little...
by Nicky Tillyer | May 2014 | #ADMel2014, Creativity, Inspiration
I had a fantastic experience recently when I attended the Analogue Digital Conference for it’s first visit to Melbourne. I was not disappointed! The first session was with 3 fabulous new creatives Carla McRae (Mel), Loretta Lizzio (Mel), Sam Yong (Mel) plus a...
by Nicky Tillyer | Apr 2014 | Confident
There seems to be so much buzz at the moment about happiness and fulfilment and gratitude. What about those times when you just feel shitty? When you try really hard to practice gratitude, and you really do know that you are lucky to have all you do, the...
by Nicky Tillyer | Feb 2014 | Marketing, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
I must confess that I do love advertising. I look at the ads in magazines, I allow the words to inspire me – perhaps not in the way to purchase their product, but I read the words and when they are good, I allow myself to take on the message from an altered...
by Nicky Tillyer | Jan 2014 | Creativity, Curious, Inspiration
There was an interesting article in ‘The Age’ on Saturday 11 January by Jane Sullivan. It was about creativity and the fears expressed by author Sam McNerny that the gung-ho unlock your creativity type of pop culture we are lambasted with almost daily [or...