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Serendipity of new

Do you have habits that keep you on the same track all….the….time…? I do.  Now there is a fab book called The Power of Habit (which I will talk about another time) by Charles Duhigg.  In this instance though, I am talking about small habits that keep...

Curiosity cravings

Curiosity, in not just my humble opinion, is the cornerstone of all development.  Development of the spirit, of the body, of the mind, of our world.  It is curiosity that has lead humanity to every new frontier, it is curiosity that leads us to new adventures –...

At least I tried…

When we try new things, sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t.  Not rocket science there eh? But it is how you handle the ‘failure’ that dictates your future.  Will you wallow, will you learn, will you regroup, will you surrender to new, or will...

A spark from Alec Baldwin

There was an interview with Alec Baldwin in today’s Melbourne AGE Good Weekend. He has had an interesting path to where he currently is, you only need to google Mr Balwin to see a glimpse into the bizarre headlines he attracts.  However I was particularly drawn...

The Science of Learning

Meet the neurologist who was inspired to retrain as an educator and apply what she knew about the brain and take that to the classroom. Dr Judy Willis on the Science of Learning. If you don’t have 11 minutes to spare, here are my takeaways.   The Science of...

Inspired by others

As a creative person I LOVE to look through art books and magazines displaying the types of mixed media collage artforms that I love to create myself – in fact until I discovered what are now some of my favourites I did not even know the term ‘mixed...

MEkerting = social media + marketing

Well we are going around and around on the social media strategy treadmill at the moment. Companies realise that customers talking ~ whether to each other, out there to the web, or to people within said company ~ is where it’s at. As Jennie Beattie wrote this...

All Kinds of Brilliant!

I must confess that I do love advertising.  I look at the ads in magazines, I allow the words to inspire me – perhaps not in the way to purchase their product, but I read the words and when they are good, I allow myself to take on the message from an altered...