by Nicky Tillyer | Jul 2013 | Curious, Inspiration
This week I was inspired by this fabulous image and text. “Happiness….is something that we decide ourselves. There are alot of reasons to be unhappy but we choose to be happy because it makes us feel alive.” It was shared by one of my facebook...
by Nicky Tillyer | Jul 2013 | MEkerting
OK so I keep moving around the internet leaving a little trail of MEkerting snippets. I have posted about it when I first coined the term by complete mistake, but the more I read and the more I look around the more I feel it is a real movement. So how is it different...
by Nicky Tillyer | Jun 2013 | Creative Vision, Curious
One of my favourite magazines in the whole world (and I do have a few!) is Cloth Paper Scissors – it is a really great inspiring eclectic crafty ideas mag and I paw over my back issues like gold dust when I am looking for inspiration. This recent video interview...
by Nicky Tillyer | Jun 2013 | conversation, thinking differently
This is a really nice, funny and at times thought provoking speech to the Carnegie Mellon graduates. He talks about the technological comparison between his time and theirs/now. It is amazing to hear the developments over the past 20 or so years spelled out in this...
by Nicky Tillyer | Jun 2013 | Teaching
You may have heard of Karen Boyes from the Spectrum Community – if you haven’t do yourself a favour and check out her group here. Here is a recent message I received with links to 2 fab resources…. At the three 2013 Teachers Matter January...
by Nicky Tillyer | May 2013 | conversation, Engaged staff
Being in marketing means that we are the driver of the brand for the company, often the creative behind it and the creative ahead of it, originate from the marketing department. However we all know that the face of that brand belongs to the staff. Something many...
by Nicky Tillyer | Apr 2013 | MEkerting
I was driving through the city today and saw the strangest thing. A man walked part way along a crossing in front of the stopped traffic, put his Gloria Jeans coffee cup on the bitumen, looked up and down the street – raised both arms in the air, first 2 fingers...
by Nicky Tillyer | Mar 2013 | Curious, Inspiration
I have had a mixed but awesome weekend. You see on Friday I had the worst horriblest painfulest scrunch face headache and really all I could do all day was sleep…wake up…eat…drink…sleep….that’s it. Saturday…not too much...
by Nicky Tillyer | Mar 2013 | conversation, social marketing
A really interesting article that I think states most uniquely and succinctly the execution of a social media strategy (and believe me I have been researching recently), something that just says it all to me and will be of great benefit to justify a budget portion to...
by Nicky Tillyer | Oct 2012 | Curious, Positive future
I had a fantastic experience this weekend of spoiling myself just a little bit. A manicure, facial, haircut (2 haircuts actually since I hated the first one…long story!)…and you know what? I feel energized. I feel creative. I feel wonderfully appreciated....