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You may have heard of Karen Boyes from the Spectrum Community – if you haven’t do yourself a favour and check out her group here.

Here is a recent message I received with links to 2 fab resources….

At the three 2013 Teachers Matter January conferences held in Sydney, Invercargill and the Bay of Islands, we asked teachers to share their wisdom.The topic was Creating An Effective Learning Environment and speakers spoke from the stage about their perspectives. Teachers were then invited to share their thoughts.

An e-book was created as a collection of those ideas, summarised and distilled down to the key concepts and now a video.  If you were one of the teachers at the conference — thanks for your wisdom.  If not, you too will benefit from the ideas.  Whichever category you fit into, if you gain some ideas from this video or e-book, please share these ideas with your colleagues.

Teachers make every other profession possible —our job is to prepare students not just for tests, but for the test of life.  The environment you create within your classroom and school is vital.


Watch the video

Please download the e-book with my compliments and share it with others.


Rainbows and sunshine,

Karen Tui Boyes