There is a fabulous book by Tom Rath called StrengthsFinder 2.0. It is accompanied by access to the Strengths web site that allows you to easily do all the work to find your top 5 strengths, and uncover how they play out in your daily life and career.
WhenI first took the test I was confused to find that my top 5 were;
- Adaptability
- Futuristic
- Ideation
- Learner
- Input
Learner features very low on the list, positivity is not there at all, and no achiever. Surprising since I am probably the most competitive game player I know! I even did the test again to be sure…same result…OK lets go with it.
I let the dust settle and began to read about the 5 strengths, and their application to life and it was then that I gained great insight into my career choices, my life choices and even my spending habits. Oh yes, I strongly recommend that you take the test – you can do it for free with the book purchase, or there is a free mini version you can take.
If you could be bothered to read back over these 2 posts here and here you may see the glimmer of the traits that I possess. If I told you that in every job I have ever had that the job I ended up leaving the company with was a far cry from the job I started with you might not be surprised. I have always been the person who joins a company and looks around to see what everybody else is doing and how I might be able to add more value to the position I am in – which invariably involves futuristic, ideation, learner & input!
My top strength of adaptability seems an anomaly – you see this trait is described as “People who are especially talented in the Adaptability theme prefer to “go with the flow.” They tend to be “now” people who take things as they come and discover the future one day at a time.”
Whereas I tend to be future orientated, or so I thought. You see to be looking to the future, you need to be firmly rooted in the present. To be aware of where you are, how you fit in, and what changes need to be made to get to … there. Wherever there may be!
My 5 top strengths play right in to my philosophy of Curious Creative & Confident don’t you think.
What are yours…take the test…then reverse engineer how it applies to your life and life choices. With knowledge comes great power…and with great power comes great responsibility. I dare you….