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I had a fantastic experience this weekend of spoiling myself just a little bit.  A manicure, facial, haircut (2 haircuts actually since I hated the first one…long story!)…and you know what?

Lady-blue-hairI feel energized.

I feel creative.

I feel wonderfully appreciated.

We often complain (well I know my girlfriends and I do!) that our partners & children take us for granted.  That they forget the small niceties that we afford ‘strangers’ and work colleagues in our lives.  The ‘thank-you’s and the ‘good job’s and ‘sorry to ask but…’

I put it to you…when was the last time that you thanked yourself?  When did you last say thanks to your body for the amazing job it does of getting you through life, to your face for the amazing job it does of presenting you to the world, to your brain for the fabulous ideas that you dream up, to your hands for the work they do in helping you function?

I really took the time today to bask in ‘me’ and my brain is firing off all kinds of lovely, my self esteem is bubbling along and there’s a little spring in my step…not the least of which is because it IS spring here in Melbourne!  It’s going to be a great week!

Don’t take yourself for granted, say thank you and give yourself a little treat – even if that only means a couple of hours to yourself.  You deserve it.