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I have been a proponent of thinking and creativity for a very long time.

I can’t remember when I first started reading studies about ideas and thinking and creativity – but it was long before I developed the ARTrox Imagination Station concept.  I was excited by the thought that encouraging creativity and participation in the arts could have such a profound impact.

What I do know, is that it was then that I recognised what came naturally to me was not necessarily the case with others, and I saw it as my mission to help parents realise the importance of arts – even as education budgets were being slashed for the more ‘academic’ pursuits and children are spending afterschool times in maths and english extension classes.

Fast forward to 2011 and we are seeing more and more in mainstream media the promotion of creativity, thinking and arts.  So when I read the article below in the Melbourne Weekly recently I was so excited I had to share!

The basic premise of the article by Stephen a Russel is that creativity is just as important as study!  The focus is on and event aimed at inspiring young people to harness their creativity, but also reassuring parents that their kids can go far in a design career – the message is clear – hold on to your creative sparks as they will hold you in good stead no matter what your career choice.

Ken Cato, founder of agIdeas International Design Week states “Creativity, which we all have as a young person, is great and it’s imperative we don’t lose it. ”  “Show me a smart business person who’s not creative, the people who run successful businesses have a fertile mind and imagination that allows them to go to spaces that competitors can’t.”

Harness creativity and prosper!